The Morning After


"Höre! Höre! Höre!" (Erde in Rheingold)


ring.gif (2624 bytes) of alarm clockalarmclock.gif (8337 bytes)

like a cold water shock

wakes up WOTAN with a start

damning the unearthly hour

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monumentally hungover he

wonders what he did the night before


never again he vows


(at this point readers

nod knowingly

sigh with compassion of bitter experienceGott3.jpg (39679 bytes)

you know what these gods are like)


to cut a long wet story short & dry


none of the sure-fire remedies he tried

could cure his splitting head


he hadn't really learnt a thing




wagnerportrait.jpg (16355 bytes)[Audio: 'Twilight of the Gods', Funeral Music]

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a - z

















RIVER.gif (67415 bytes)

River Rhine?

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Rainbow bridge motif wagner.jpg (7556 bytes)

now follow me across the RAINBOW BRIDGE...