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Yours truly recently acquired a digital camera. Talk about a kid with a new toy!

Here's a little self-portrait I took (Autumn 2005)

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The man's a shadow

of his former self...

(click on thumbnail for larger version)

As I rounded the corner, I was struck by a Vision:

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An ordinary suburban scene -

click on this view of 'Reality'

to see what happens...

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Wildlife in garden (Nov. 2005)

[Click on thumbnail for a close-up]

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Tame Teddy Bears indoors,

for the infantile & those of you approaching 2nd Childhood!

[click for a big surprise!]

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Outdoors Wildlife

(click thumbnail)

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Indoor Garden

(click to come into the warm)

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Year of the Dog (2006)




  Winter White

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Resurrection of Spring

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A leg to stand on

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Dandelion & Hoverflies (July 2006)

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Macabre Souvenir (Summer 2006)


More will be added, so come back for a look...

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(Ancient Chinese Saying?)

"What a picture, what a picture


Stick it in your fam'ly album"



From the London Musical "Half A Sixpence" (1963)

(David Heneker)





A - Z

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