WHISKY'S RISKY but it gets you FRISKY

(Scotty Doggerel)


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the sober man ignores the thistle

decides instead to wet his whistle


heads straight for the nearest bar

& soon he's roaring slàinte mhath*


keep English Ale or Irish Porter

make mine Scottish Fire Water


it's proof against the Highland weather

loosens lips so you can blether


you'll become a champion talker

after a dram of Johnnie Walker


through your alcoholic haze

gaze on bonny tartan braes


watch the haggis roamin' free

plucky beasties though they're only wee


see Venice and die but just feel peaky

when you set eyes on gude Auld Reekie


toast this Athens of the North

drink like a fish in the Firth of Forth


there's pickled herring and black bun

made in Scotland by the ton


piper's pibroch fiddler's reel

men in kilts with sex appeal


there's loch and burn and ben and glen

heather and broom I ken I ken


all these are braw but one thing's siccar

best of aw's that golden liquor


a single malt a single malt

gives you a jolt like a thunderbolt


(*Gaelic for 'Good Health')

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Get your whisky here (in a famous Edinburgh Pub)



Booze Blues


A - Z



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If your sound is turned on, you'll eventually hear 'The Cock O'The North', a fine jig for a Ceilidh

[NB Please enable sound for embedded audio file]