[Posthum(or)ous Beckett, channelled, if that is the word, FUNnelled perhaps, thru Yours Truly
, Medium Rare.]
Samuel (kicked the) Bucket
One last GASP
Got to give up GASP
I cant give up GASP
I wont give up GASP
First of many later no more not yet but nearly ending again the inspiration finished only expiration to follow GASP
Always so from the beginning one counted two and so on on on in out up down and out GASP
Breathless breathing the old habit dies hard not hard not dies not yet please but almost as good as once started how the poor lungs cope day in day out sun rise to sunset all night long GASP
Never was other than ever the same first last GASP
After all nothing after first to last GASP
One last GASP
Got to give up GASP
I cant give up GASP
I wont give up GASP