Raving Reporter Files...

Flavor of the Month: June

Dateline: Edinburgh 1986


(Our Raving Reporter looks back over a short wet one)


What a summer it's been! Funny intervals & scattered flowers.

Come, Brutal Reader, take my clammy hand & stroll with me down that leafy lane still green in memory...

Remember June? Jolly it wasn't. Under the extinct volcano (Arthur's Seat in case you wonder), I sat disconsolate & drowned my sorrows in a bottle of imported Mescal. A potent potion. Appropriate I thought as news from the Aztec Stadium was bad. Got quite maudlin lamenting Scotland's dashed hopes of World Cup glory. Not that I'm a football fanatic or even particularly patriotic. But any excuse to drink too much.

So, Argentinians got their own backs (full backs, half backs - excuse the half-baked puns.) Britain may have been able to flaunt its military might in the Falklands/ Malvinas (there's a lot in a name), but in unarmed combat on the football field Argentina proved supreme. (Why can't all international conflict be settled sportingly?) Revenge must be sweet. Me, I prefer dry.

There's one thing I'm confused about. I thought Maradonna was a female singer. Perhaps he should be. If fatuous songs by lesser football teams can get in the charts, Diego & amigos could surely reach numero uno. How about 'Speedy Gonzales'? Anyway, all that, like the Aztecs, is ancient history.


Bygone July

RR files


Comic Tour of Edinburgh

Milne's Bar, Edinburgh, Poets' Pub



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