monthly mix

foolmoon5.gif (24168 bytes)

                                foolmoonanim.gif (2814 bytes)

                             SunItAint05.gif (5391 bytes)

                            sheer lunacy!

updated monthly

FLAVOR of the MONTH cal_anim.gif (8246 bytes) 

herenow2.gif (4551 bytes)

smFMoon.gif (1527 bytes)

months.gif (3815 bytes)


eclectic anniversaries & other notable dates to pencil in your diaries (including Latest CELEBRITY DEAD, added LIVE as they die!)

 Click pic?

pencil.jpg (2974 bytes)


SEASONTHING.gif (7757 bytes)






click pic?


phasesmoon2.gif (58347 bytes)


moonphases.jpg (6944 bytes)

Rough.gif (5418 bytes)

this is a rough draftlife itself isn't

drawingboard.jpg (13902 bytes)







Cover page of Website


(NB to hear embedded sound enable audio in your browser)

BlakeIWantReduced.jpg (114948 bytes)

helpsite1.gif (18591 bytes)

moonie2.gif (31127 bytes)