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1st / 2nd - Cross-quarter day of Imbolc -   ancient pagan fire festival between Yule and the Vernal (Spring) Equinox (ie. midway between December 22 and March 22. It's one of the four midway or cross-quarter festivals, or Greater Sabbats: Imbolc, Beltane/Mayday, Lammas, Samhain/Halloween, each one halfway between an Equinox and a Solstice. The four Lesser Sabbats consist of the two Solstices (Yule and Litha) and the two Equinoxes (Ostara and Mabon.) Thus there are eight Sabbats, or stations of the Wheel of the Year.


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Click bar?


                   2nd - James Joyce's Birthday (1882)

JJoycesmall.jpg (9066 bytes)'Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age.'

Dubliners, "The Dead"



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3rd - Buddy Holly

died (1959),

but still lives on...


                 6th - Gustave Klimt, Austrian Symbolist painter, died 6 Feb 1918 aged 56. Influenced by Japanese art.


                        - Elizabeth II  became Queen (1952)

                         - Bob Marley's Birthday (1945) [if your sound is on, you'll hear '3 Little Birds'...] Celebrate with a spliff?

BobMarley.gif (20651 bytes) 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our minds'

(Redemption Song)

                  7th -  English Monarchy abolished by Parliament (1649). If they could do it then...


7th Feb - English Novelist, Charles Dickens, born 1812

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8th - Kropotkin died 1921. Russian anarchist, socialist, revolutionary, economist, sociologist, historian, zoologist, political scientist, human geographer and philosopher who advocated anarcho-communism. He was also an activist, essayist, researcher and writer. Wrote among other books,  'Conquest of Bread'

click pic?

9th February - Thomas Paine, revolutionary political activist & theorist,  born in England, 1737.

Author of Common Sense, Age of Reason,

The Rights of Man


"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."

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             9th - (2021), Jazz Fusion Composer, Keyboardist, Chick Corea died aged 79. Return to Forever, well worth listening to.

           11th - China ends its ban on Aristotle, Plato, Shakespeare, Dickens et al. (1978)

                           - Death of A Salesman A(rthur) Miller, American Playwright, famously married to Marilyn Monroe (2005)

                           - Death of Eisenstein, Russian Film Director (1948), aged 50. Developed 'Montage' technique.

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  ('Battleship Potemkin')









                  13th - Death of German composer, Richard Wagner (1883), aged 69.


                Anniversary of US & British firebombing of Dresden (1945)

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for Love, Romance, Passion...

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                   14th - beat_hea.gif (3504 bytes) St Valentine's kisses.gif (4256 bytes)

                   15th - Worldwide Protest against War on Iraq (2003)

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                   17th - Random Acts of Kindness Day (as is every day!)

                   18th - Drink Too Much Wine Day!

                    19th - Copernicus, Renaissance mathematician & astronomer, born (1473); first to formulate mathematical model of heliocentric solar system:

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                    20th - Utopian Society started chain-letter campaign telling Americans that 'profit is the root of all evil' (1934)

                                ~ evidently didn't  succeed!

                            - Hunter S. Thompson commits suicide (2005), Fear & Loathing survives...

21st - Birth of W.H. Auden (1907), British poet. whaudensmall.jpg (11996 bytes)

  Hits include: 'Museé des Beaux Arts', 'September 1, 1939', 'Funeral Blues', 'In Memory of W.B.Yeats', 'The Unknown Citizen', 'Night Mail', 'Lay your sleeping head, my love'...

Yours truly witnessed his reading in the Royal Festival Hall, London, 1970. In age, his creased face gave him the appearance of a venerable tortoise.

                 22nd - Andy Warhol, American Artist, died 1987, aged 58. You remember those Soup Cans & the unforgettable Marilyns.

            22nd - Lawrence Ferlinghetti, writer & founder of City Lights Books, died 22 Feb 2021 at age of 101. Wrote this essay on him in 1974.

            23rd - Poor Keats died aged 26 (1821): 'Here lies one whose name was writ in water'

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                 25th - Dictator Ferdinand Marcos forced to leave Philippines after non-violent 'People Power', so-called Revolution (1986)

                 28th - Birthday of Charles Blondin

                         - John Tenniel died 1914, aged almost 94. Political Cartoonist & illustrator. Nowadays most famous for illustrations to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice Found There'


                          - Goldie, the Golden Eagle, escaped from London Zoo for almost 2 weeks in 1965.


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