I'd like to be a conjuror

take white rabbits from a black top hattophat.gif (29586 bytes)

myxomatosis stops that dead

quicker than any sleight-of -hand

Reality knocks my tricks on the head


wish I could wave a magic wand

so pain & suffering disappear

& I would make no mistake

if I were a sorceror

not just some bungling apprentice


without a book of spells nothing's quite clear

might go & turn myself into a frogfrog.gif (21823 bytes)

I may be one already

princess come here

transmogrify me with a kiss


some enchanted evening yet

it might seem like something has gone right at last

yet I'd be an illusionist at best

however wide I cast my net of magic & hypnotic words

rabbits get pastwpe17203.gif (41301 bytes)








Lplatelogo2.jpg (5388 bytes)


Virtual Circus

The Magic Bone

Talking of Rabbits...rabbit-in-hat.jpg (2064 bytes)


a - z



Thank you, Perry Como, for some very Magic Moments...

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