Charlie’s getting married to Lady Di
dearly-beloved by the Bourgeoisie
they’re a perfect couple he & she
we’ve had Philip & Liz & Anne & Mark
golly how those Royals court & spark
studs & mares are sure to breed
so heirs galore can be guaranteed
jolly good show but wasn’t it frustrating
the way they kept loyal subjects waiting
let’s give the bride & groom three cheers
then go & buy some souvenirs
imagine what they’ve got in their bottom drawer
all those crowns & things you couldn’t ask for more
the icing on their cake will be inches thick
isn’t it enough to make you sick
it isn’t exactly very funny
when you think of the waste of public money
with social services being cut back
& millions of workers getting the sack
proclaim a holiday in celebration
to forestall a Strike across the Nation
but despite the direction the country’s heading
it’s bound to be a lovely wedding
& as we watch it on TV
it’ll take our minds off World War III
they’ll get married in a right royal manner
I’d give ‘em the works if I had a spanner
Davy King
Audio: Wedding March from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' by Felix Mendelssohn |