the Lord had no deterrent the Lord had no defence & look what they did to Him boy it don't make no sense
if Jesus had had the H-bomb He would rule the world so why don't we do it for Him yeah be good guys & girls
listen to the preacher he's a Christian man he'll tell you what others can't do what an American
now Satan is a Communist so the good book say he live down in Nicaragua most likely he is gay
it's all there in the Bible writ in black & white sez you're better dead than red son gotta fight that fight
a few folk may be starving while we are quite well fed but the poor are always with us chil' give them bombs not daily bread
God made nuclear weapons we must obey His will we should be like Abraham gal prepared to go & kill
if you got no religion well you could sure use some 'cos if the Spirit moved us to we could blow you to Kingdom Come
sinners quote words Christ said only we know what He meant it is our manifest destiny to vote for the President
so onward Christian soldiers it's all in a good cause we'll be one step nearer Heaven ma with Star & Stripey Wars
when those bombs start falling we'll sing a gospel song rock'n'roll on Armageddon yeah my country right or wrong
we shall fear no evil the Lord He will provide don't need no fallout shelter kid God is on our side
who's afraid of dyin' whose afraid of pain we believe in the Resurrection man 'cos we been Born Again
we're on our way to Glory we shall see the Lord wearing a US uniform & waving a big sword
on that Day of Judgement we'll get our just reward the rest will roast in hellfire Halleluia praise the Lord
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(sing to a country & western/gospel tune!)