An American Odyssey
coming soon
& other poets of the American frontier
(Thanks to Sybil for the trip)
'Can you tell me where we're heading
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon
Why, we are, as you see, upon the Enchanted Ground; and, as I was coming along, I was musing with myself of what a dangerous nature the road in this place was; and how many, that had come even thus far on pilgrimage, had here been stopped and been destroyed.
(Bunyan, The Pilgrims Progress)
the Terminal is where my flight begins
latterday son of the Pilgrim Fathers
bred in a cold puritanical land
a lazy Icarus I
take a lift
on metal bird
cross the Great Water
to the Other Side
inflight video called Coming Home
to roost perhaps
no I am not a Vietnam Veteran
but yes I guess I still carry some scars
head in the thunder-clouds
giddy as god
Ive left my island far behind
look down on a continent
and think
Whitman you should be living at this hour
first stop Chicago
Chicago Chicago
skyscraper Babel
quick hop to Texas
Amarillo as in the song
this is the place they assemble the warheads
then I get driven
jaggedly jet-lagged
into next state
border roadsign bears the legend
Land of Enchantment
Im enchanted mam Im sure
this is an Indian Summer in Fall
between the New World and Old Mexico
Yucca grows tall in the dusty small town
sand on the sidewalk here
the deserts near
sprinklers on the burnt-out lawns
air-conditioned everywhere inside
curfew at noon
amid the blaze
I play blind Samson
in dark glasses
a mad dog
or an Englishman abroad
ignore the Dont Walk sign
and walk
to get almighty dollar$ from the drive-in bank
rednecks yell from a pick-up truck
rowdy rodeo and cowboy hats
why dont I slay some philistines
I could but for this convict crewcut
fallout shelter in the best hotel
hell-hole hideout
case the house falls down
high noon now
do not forsake me
Model T Ford at the County Fair
Exhibit A in the trial of the century
thats how we got to here from there
by Cadillac and Chevrolet
now the autos automatic
going flat-out to be upwardly mobile
todays hard drive
to stay alive
move with the times
chase that mirage
in the heat haze
receding water on the road
on our left the grave of Billy the Kid
killer outlaw on the run
shot by sheriff
the Mesa
miles glide swiftly
in this movie
viewed thru the wound-down windows frame
a natural history documentary
suddenly its wild
Road Runner Road Runner
clown of the West
dicing with death between the wheels
at speed
why did it
why did it cross the road
then the well-worn song on the soundtrack
Route 66
a long rough ride
over Indian bones
Route 66
freeway to progress
subsiding back
into honey-combed ground
savages warned
White Man knew better
we get our kicks
stay one night in a neon motel
at Santa Rosa
anywhere else would be much the same
standard fittings
Gideons Bible and holy screen
TV now the world religion
millions in communion
worship surface images
turn on tune in
for culture shock
not Dallas but the Mayor of Casterbridge
Farfrae doing a Scottish jig
Farfrae Farfrae far frae hame
Laurel and Hardy is predictable
Doubting Thomas with the laurels
gives pause for thought
there must have been Scots settlers once
notice the place names on the map
Melrose McAlister McIntosh
here at last the real McCoy
or simulacrum of the same
with six pack and tobacco
sit back enjoy the show
the world of sport
the killing game
those who are about to die
salute this flag
or colored rag
doctor I see stars and stripes
in front of my eyes
black man sings
Land of the Free
at a price
some cant afford
zap that remote
its your choice of channels
this is a Democracy
whose side are you on
a word from our sponsors
vote for the good guys
that means US
we stock the latest weapons
great special F/X
for power at your fingertips
zap that remote
youre in consumer heaven
we give you all this rope
57 varieties
sitcom or soap
whatever we can sell
from televangelic
to bulletins from hell
so its only chewing gum
so loses its flavor
you still go on chewing
it wont make you fat
we could feed the starving millions
with more of that
seeing is believing
would we tell you any lies
whats the difference
the same sincere
insistent voice
puts viewers wise
when youve said Budweiser
youve said it all
O culinary Americana
the menus cornucopian
my cup of coffee runneth over
Im new-baptised in Coca Cola
and this is verily the Promised Land
that flows with malted milk and money
wake in the morning and its sunny-side up
pumpkin or apple pie-in-the-sky
heres a leaning tower of pizzas
theres McDonalds duck with french fries
put your snout in the trough
if youre hungry mister
Sangre de Christos
mountains to climb
bridge over the Rio Grande
guidebook in hand
Taos way
in Lawrences footsteps
Hopi dancers circle squares
amusing tourists
the Indians have their reservations
to prove Ive been there
send a postcard
picture of the old Pueblo
rockhard their abodes adobe
cornbread baking in an outdoor oven
fossils and artefacts in museums
turquoise trinkets from the natives
follow the conquistadores
railroad track to Santa Fe
mission church with spiral staircase
steps of the Son
ascending heavenwards
declared a miracle of intricate construction
no crucial nails to fix the dovetailed joints
made by a fair-haired carpenter
stranger who simply disappeared
maybe an angel in disguise
hallucinations of the heat
Hispanic blood in the melting pot
single seņorita in a crowded piazza
flamenco man with blue guitar
I take a sneaky snapshot
no better than the rest
of course they came from Spain
and now northwards
nightly to infiltrate
a fatal flawed imperial frontier
there are theories about migration
from Asia and even Outer Space
theyve been around
a long time here
eleven thousand years or so
the oldest tribe
their stone-age knives
the cutting edge
one molecule
stripped mammoth skin
its Clovis Man
you too can be
like some old hippy in clover
at the local Head Shop browsing
its skins its pipes its
homegrow magic mushroom kits
a shamans garden
aimed at Eden
to me the landscapes alien
tho I dont see thru Martian eyes
cattle cottonfield and peanut country
windmills and artesian wells
solar collectors
wild sunflowers
brighten the air
the travellers journey isnt yet done
deep water takes me by surprise
oasis lake
its rainbow colors in an oil-black mirror
my reflection and the skys
out in the boondocks
beware of snakes
drive off
drive on
drive into sundown
some enchanted evening
a lucky strike of Acapulco gold
under the big round harvest moon
stoned as any student
I stagger to the campus gig
live onstage a Latin band
plays the universal language
pulsing light
like science fiction
flying saucer frisbees soar
above the crowd
the stars are singing
crickets click at sultry midnight
Buddy Holly still raves on
cut his tracks in wax at Clovis
killed in a plane crash
flew too close to the blazing sun
I whistle in the dark
a jolly tune
more fear than loathing
more hope than fear
better to travel hopefully
lost alone in downtown nowhere
ask a friendly cop with gun
rush to catch last greyhound bus
transported onwards as I sleep
heap more travelling ahead
one day the sun rose twice in the east
a little east of Radium Springs
east of the town of Truth or Consequences
regular guy
worked at White Sands
Missile Range
twenty one years
died of cancer
flew too high
read it in the mourning paper
Navajo ghosts haunt Alamogordo
birthplace of nightmares
Jornado del Muerto
a very hot spot
ground zero
Trinity site
the Holy Spirit in a tongue of flame
turned sand to glass
the darkest hour
5:29:45 a.m.
mine eyes have seen the glory
of the blinding bright white light
then spoke the Thunder
shatterer of worlds
all that before breakfast
have a nice day
O W.A.S.P. there is thy sting
you who were born again
believe in fairy tales
American Dream
come Columbus Day
the big parade
and then Thanksgiving
bought the perfect souvenir
a can of that Budweisser beer
at the Customs I shall swear
I have nothing to declare
the desert Resurrection plant
rehydrates in English rain
returning East what seemed so dead
starts to come alive again
(New Mexico 1979)
From fall to revelation, a mean riff all the way, as an Englishman abroad meets Buddy Holly, D.H.Lawrence, Milton, Blake, Walt Whitman (& Disney), T.S.Eliot, et al. (spot the allusions) in this road movie journal/journey into the dark heart of the American psyche. An eschatological, phantasmagoric ride down Route 66 & beyond.
(This minimally-packaged, economical format is designed to make new work available to the public in a decentralised, small-scale way, bypassing the exclusivity of establishment commercial publishers.)
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