The golden
age is before us, not behind us. -
Golden lads and girls all must as chimney sweepers come to
dust.- Shakespeare
Every moment is a golden one for him who has
the vision to recognize it as such. - Henry Miller
To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the
good that is within our reach, is the great art of
life.- William James
Virtue is the golden mean between two vices, the one of
excess and the other of deficiency.- Aristotle
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. -
Bernard Shaw
The golden age only comes to men when they have forgotten
gold.- G.K. Chesterton
and silence is the golden mountain -
Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums
I am Mortal Golden Eternity - Jack Kerouac, The
Scripture of the Golden Eternity
we're all golden sunflowers inside.
- Allen Ginsberg
We are stardust, we are golden and we've got to get
ourselves back to the garden - Joni Mitchell
This, in fact, is the power of the imagination, which,
combining the memory of gold with that of the mountain, can
compose the idea of a golden mountain.
Umberto Eco,
Name of the Rose
The golden rule of conduct is mutual toleration, seeing that
we will never all think alike and we shall see Truth in
fragment and from different angles of vision.
- Mahatma Gandhi
It would be good to live in a perpetual state of
leave-taking, never to go nor to stay, but to remain
suspended in that golden emotion of love and longing; to be
loved without satiety.
John Steinbeck,
“The Log from the Sea of Cortez”
Make this the golden rule, the equivalent of the Hippocratic
oath: Everything we ask a child to do should be worth doing.
- Philip Pullman
Mercy is the golden chain by which society is bound
together. - Wm Blake
I give you the end of a golden string, Only wind it into a
ball, It will lead you in at Heaven's gate -
Never slip
the silver key of gate through your golden age. - James
Joyce, Finnegans Wake
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(Yours Truly
in his/ my
"The art of alchemy was handed
down through the centuries from Egypt and Arabia to
Greece and Rome, and finally to
western and central Europe. The word is derived from the
Arabian phrase "al-kimia," which refers to the preparation
of the Stone or Elixir by the Egyptians. The Arabic root "kimia"
comes from the Coptic "khem" that alluded to the fertile
black soil of the Nile delta. Esoterically and
hieroglyphically, the word refers to the dark mystery of the
primordial or First Matter (the Khem).
Simplified, the aims of the
alchemists were threefold: to
find the Stone of Knowledge (The Philosophers' Stone), to
discover the medium of Eternal Youth and Health, and to
discover the transmutation of metals. To the medieval
alchemist's mind the different elements were but the same
original substance in varying degrees of purity. Gold
was the purest of all and silver followed closely."
- (Royal Society of Chemistry)