Formerly known as Coronavirus!
We know the word CORONA is Latin for Crown. I've been using it a lot recently, since Coronavirus hit the headlines, early in 2020. Have just produced 4 webpages that feature it prominently. Here they are in order of creation:
1) Coronavirus
3) Corona Clap
4) Corona Chic
Is this my crowning glory? My crowning achievement?
Here is Corona-Central, a hub,
which brings all 4 pages together, for easy reference. A convenient go-to for
all things Covid-19 related by Yours Truly
Digital Graffiti Artist
check out
this tentative TETRALOGY
Depicted thus, beautiful to look at, like a colourful abstract painting, except there's nothing abstract or beautiful about the painful death victims might suff
PS - December 2020 update: the Virus is MUTATING & there is now a variant version that transmits more easily...
4th January 2021, 3rd national lockdown begins in U.K.
QUAINT QUADRILOGY? (Oops, I guess this 5th page makes it a PENTALOGY. Punchy rather than paunchy I hope!) brought to you by:
Seeing the wood for the trees