"It could be seen as progress, or change for the worse, or merely as the turning of a wheel like the cycle of the seasons. The seasons revolve throughout Keats' poetry" ...
Clockwise round the circle:
1st / 2nd Feb. - Cross-quarter day of Imbolc - ancient pagan fire festival between Yule and the Vernal (Spring) Equinox (ie. midway between December 22 and March 22. It's one of the four midway or cross-quarter festivals, or Greater Sabbats: Imbolc, Beltane/Mayday, Lammas, Samhain/Halloween, each one halfway between an Equinox and a Solstice. The four Lesser Sabbats consist of the two Solstices (Yule and Litha) and the two Equinoxes (Ostara and Mabon.) Thus there are eight Sabbats, or stations of the Wheel of the Year.
Mucha's depiction of 4 seasons
Spring flower of color & restricted growth
Spring's on the cold side this year
Autumn (N.K.)
Unseasonal Spring Blossom in Autumn
Don't drive an autumn-mobile, why not cycle all year round
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(Common or Garden Buddha in) CHANGING SEASONS
winter boys
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