Headlines & Anniversaries...
20th January 2009 * Barack Obama's the cat's pajamas
(Remember this is just the REBRANDING of America, where 2% of the planet's population consume 25% of its resources.) * Bye bye Bush - good riddance to Bush's bad rubbish Better news for America |
(includes video) |
Guantanamo to close "US President Barack Obama has ordered the Guantanamo Bay prison camp to be closed within one year." (Source: BBC 22nd Jan 09)
& 250th Anniversary of birth of Rabbie Burns (25th Jan 09)
'My Luve is Like a Red, Red Rose'?
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR OF THE EARTH OX/ COW 26th Jan 2009 to 14th Feb 2010 |
50th anniversary of death of BUDDY HOLLY.On a cold 3rd February 1959, the innovative & influential singer-songwriter died in a plane crash, aged only 22.
His music lives......
MONARCHY ABOLISHED!(7th February 1649) The English Monarchy was abolished by Parliament on 7th February 1649. Do something once, we can do it again! High time we got rid of such an anachronistic institution. A 'Royal' family has no place in a Democracy. |
Earliest 'human footprints' found "The earliest footprints showing evidence of modern human foot anatomy and gait have been unearthed in Kenya.The 1.5-million-year-old footprints display signs of a pronounced arch and short, aligned toes, in contrast to older footprints." (Source: BBC 26th February) |
Venus making a transit of our Sun
"Nasa launches Earth hunter probe |
![]() 11th March 2009 |
G20, London (1st & 2nd April 09) G8, rich man's club, needs help from 12 other countries.... 360th Anniversary of the Diggers (1649) |
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60th Anniversary North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 4th April 1949 |
Don't get blood on that nice blue carpet... |
Proposed sites for new nuclear power
500 Years On
British Army Retreats from Iraq After 6 years as an occupying force, they've finally had enough. (30 April 09) |
30th AnniversaryTHATCHER electedPrime Minister4th May 1979 sad day for the UK * Rejoice! |
They're only in it for the money!ParLIARmentMoneyCapitalistFree Country? |
"More than 1,000 ex-servicemen who took part in
nuclear tests in the 1950s have won the right to sue the government for compensation. (Source: BBC, 5th June 2009) see NUCLEAR- MIX |
Anyone for mushrooms? |
65th Anniversary of D-Day landings(6th June 1944)Image by Robert Capa (modified by DK) |
Approximately one in four people smoke. Confessions of an ex-smoker |
Try calling it H1N1 flu virus. Not quite as snappy as 'swine flu' but more accurate. Don't blame it on the swine...... it's the way humans factory-farm
pigs that causes the problem. |
Obama & the Fly |
So the 'most powerful man in the world' (sic) swats a defenseless fly. Try picking on someone your own size, Barack. (17th June 09)
"Consider Man as like a little fly...." Other dead insects: War against
Harry Patch, oldest British survivor of First World War, dies aged 111(25th July 09) "politicians who took us to war should have been given the guns and told to settle their differences themselves, instead of organising nothing better than legalised mass murder". (The Last Fighting Tommy) |
Soon! (Source BBC, 10th August 09) And, don't forget, current agriculture depends on cheap oil, which is running out.... |
"UK jobless total climbs to 2.4m The number of people out of work in the UK has risen to its highest level since 1995, official figures have shown. Unemployment increased by 220,000 to 2,435,000 in the three months to June, taking the jobless rate to 7.8%."
(includes video) |
09.09.09 Remastered
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Across the Universe.... "Astronomers are
celebrating the release of remarkable new images from the Hubble Space Telescope.... (Source: BBC, 9th Sept 09) |
For the USA, UK & France to condemn Iran for allegedly developing
nuclear weapons is gross hypocrisy. (25th September 2009) The USA, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Israel & Pakistan, all possess nuclear missiles.....Why scapegoat Iran? |
8th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan(7th October 09) USA, UK & NATO are not 'winning' in Afghanistan. They are illegal invaders, guilty of War Crimes. Soldiers should desert. END WAR NOW! |
HAPPY HALLOWE'EN(or Celtic Samhain & Mexican Day of the Dead) Get spooked here! |
SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER![]() Ignorant British government sacks chief drugs adviser, Prof David Nutt, because they didn't like the scientific information he gave that Cannabis, LSD & Ecstasy are less harmful than Tobacco & Alcohol. Two other members of the advisory panel resign in protest. Prof Nutt said: "It seems unlikely that any "true" scientist - one who can only speak the truth - will be able to work for this, or future, Home Secretaries." (2nd November 09) Tough nut to crack? |
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WAR & PISS! Dishonorable discharge? Much indignation when a drunken student (hardly an oxymoron) urinated on a War Memorial recently... Isn't making water better than making war? |
Grudging concession to festivity. | |