Headlines & Anniversaries...
75th Anniversary of Elvis Presley's birth. The so-called 'King of Rock & Roll' was born 8th January 1935.
Pelvis (the day he gyrated his hips) |
NEW WIND FARMS PLANNED "Successful bids for nine new offshore wind farm zone licences within UK waters have been announced .Turbines in the nine zones could generate up to 32 gigawatts of power, a quarter of the UK's electricity needs It will create one of the biggest infrastructure projects for wind energy in the world, with construction beginning in 2014 at the earliest." (Source: BBC, 8th Jan 2010) |
' Police powers to use terror laws to stop and search people without grounds for suspicion are illegal, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled. The Strasbourg court has been hearing a case involving two people stopped near an arms fair in London in 2003. .The court said the stop and search powers were "not sufficiently circumscribed" and there were not "adequate legal safeguards against abuse".' (Source: BBC, 12th January 2010) |
On 12th January 2010, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti. Among its many unfortunate victims was the erstwhile Deity (aka God, the Creator, the Almighty etc).... (cont.)
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR of the METAL TIGER 14th February 2010 |
A British rig is drilling for oil in waters off the Falkland Islands/ Islas Malvinas. Argentinians are understandably irked. (22nd Feb 2010) Remember that little local difficulty way back when... - FRANTIC ANTICS IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC - oil |
"A black Labrador which sniffed out bombs in southern Afghanistan has been awarded the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross - called the Dickin medal. The eight-year-old 'Treo' twice found hidden bombs while on tour in Afghanistan with the 104 Military Working Dog Support Unit. He is now retired and living with his handler..." (Source BBC, 25th February) Feel-good propaganda for a public saddened by the sight of union-jack-draped coffins coming home. We can comfort ourselves with the idea of a cuddly canine hero. Don't even think of questioning the morality of sending innocent animals to serve in war zones .
Treo, hero? Lapping it up... |
Happy Anniversary: Three Mile Island Partial core meltdown at American pressurised water reactor (28th March 1979). |
Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza againAmerican-made F16 fighters fire American-made missiles destroying a dairy factory & injuring children. Good Friday (sic), 2nd April 2010
Boycott Israeli &
American |
AMERICA & RUSSIA IN NUCLEAR DEAL (BIG DEAL) The two countries agree to reduce their respective stockpiles of mutually assured destruction to 'only' 1,550 warheads each. This is much more cost effective as there are still more than enough to wipe everyone out. You know this makes sense. (8th April 2010) |
EUROPE-WIDE FLIGHTS GROUNDED BY VOLCANIC ASH After a volcano erupted in Iceland (14th April 2010), spewing a vast cloud of ash & dust into the air, many European countries have banned all flights for safety reasons. |
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Queen's Birthday 21st April NOT her 'official' one, which, to confuse her abject subjects, is in June! Queen's Bedroom Scene (not amused) |
Love your Mother |
EARTH DAY 2010 April 22nd As if every day isn't! - A note for future Astronauts... - Earth matters (eco-mix)
The Hubble Telescope was launched into Space on 23rd April 1990. "This new Hubble photo is but a small portion of one of the largest seen star-birth regions in the galaxy, the Carina Nebula. Towers of cool hydrogen laced with dust rise from the wall of the nebula." (courtesy of NASA site) |
Bard's Birthday Present Shakespeare was supposedly born & died on 23rd April (in different years obviously), but the dates are disputed. To celebrate, here is a recently discovered fragment of a previously unknown play believed to have been written by the Bard himself. |
Oil spill hits coast of USA Yet another environmental disaster looms as a leaking offshore oil well contaminates the Gulf of Mexico, potentially damaging fisheries & coastline habitats .(30th April 2010) |
UN International Day for Biological Diversity (22nd May 2010) "We need a sea-change in human thinking and attitudes towards nature: not as something to be vanquished, conquered, but rather something to be cherished and lived within," Pavan Sukhdev (Economist & author of UN Biodiversity report) CAPITALISM & OVERPOPULATION IS DESTROYING HABITATS FOR OTHER SPECIES . |
TOUR DE FRANCE 2010 3rd July - 25th July
Man jailed over stolen Shakespeare folio
"An antiques dealer has been jailed for eight years for handling a stolen copy of Shakespeare's First Folio. Raymond Scott, 53, from County Durham was cleared of stealing the treasure, but found guilty of handling stolen goods at a trial in June. The 1623 work was taken from a display cabinet at Durham University in 1998." (Source: BBC, 2nd August 2010) See, also... |
GRIM ANNIVERSARY - NO HAPPY RETURNS "The Japanese city of Hiroshima is marking the 65th anniversary of the world's first atomic bomb attack About 140,000 people were killed or died within months of the bomb being dropped by a US aircraft in 1945 in the final days of World War II. Japan surrendered after a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki three days later on 9 August."(Source: BBC, 6th August 2010) |
Strange weather recently: floods in Pakistan; heatwave, drought & wildfires in Russia; heavy rain & mudslides in China.... |
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Aren't these examples of extreme weather events or Climate Chaos? | ![]() |
library visitors continue to drop
The number of adults visiting libraries in England has fallen steadily over the last five years, a government report has revealed. In 2005, 16.4% of adults people attended their local library once a month. New research indicates that the figure had dropped to 12.8% last year." (Source: BBC 24 Aug 2010) |
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Forget zits, try STIs. They may appear to be no more than a boring little acronym but they are becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. |
GENETIC CODE OF APPLE SEQUENCED "A team of 86 global scientists have sequenced the genetic code of the Golden Delicious apple for the first time. The DNA breakthrough could result in new and improved apple varieties which are more resistant to disease. Scientists from 20 institutions took two years to unravel the code - the largest plant genome uncovered to date." (Source; BBC, 30th August 2010)
Prosecute War Criminals: Bush, Blair et al. |
POPE VISITS BRITAINProtector of paedophile priests, Pope Benny visits Britain from 16th - 19th September 2010. So, STEAL A WHEEL |
One in five plant species face extinction
First ever
comprehensive study of plants, from giant rainforests to common snowdrops, finds 22% of
all species at-risk...
(Source: The Guardian, 29th Sept 2010) Where have all the flowers gone? |
Water map shows billions at risk of 'water insecurity' |
Human shit used to heat
"Up to 200
Oxfordshire homes will be using biomethane made from sewage they had flushed away three
weeks earlier.
The practice of using anaerobic digesters - carefully managed bacteria - to turn faeces into a means of generating electricity is already well established across the country." (Source: BBC, 5th Oct 2010) cf prophetic suggestion made in 1978 |
The UN biodiversity convention meeting has opened with warnings that the ongoing loss of nature is hurting human societies as well as the natural world. The two-week gathering aims to set new targets for conserving life on Earth. Japan's Environment Minister Ryo Matsumoto said biodiversity loss would become irreversible unless curbed soon. Much hope is being pinned on economic analyses showing the loss of species and ecosystems is costing the global economy trillions of dollars each year." (Source: BBC, 18th Oct 2010) |
MANDELBROT DIES Mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, who developed the idea of FRACTAL geometry, died at the age of 85 on 14th October 2010. About CHAOS more fractals on this site: Also, cf Edward Lorenz & Butterfly Effect
CUTS,CUTS, BLOODY CUTS& yes it's gonna hurt: us not him. Sadistic, nasty piece of work, millionaire toff, Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, vile villain, applies Shock Doctrine to Public Services in Britain (20th Oct. 2010). Some of these old pieces, written during Thatcher era, are sadly still all too apposite: capitalist /man proud man doomed youth (gonna be a riot) |
NATIONAL APPLE DAY (BRITAIN) 21st October 2010 |
"BRITISH SUMMER TIME " ends on Sunday 31st October at 2am. The clocks go back one hour... Here's a Funny Thing about |
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(or Celtic Samhain & Mexican Day of the Dead) HORROR HUMOR for the hurrying consumer. Get spooked here: |
(photo & clumsy pumpkin carving by DK) |
Student Protests 10th November 2010 GIVE THOSE STUDENTS FULL MARX! Trashing Tory HQ is nothing compared to what this unelected government is doing to our country!(relevant to students, workers & the unemployed) CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE TO PROTECT PUBLIC SERVICES! occupy universities/ occupy the world!
Engagement announced (16th Nov. 2010) |
see also: Willy & the Whirlybird |
PAPALLY-ENDORSED CONDOM?Pontiff Benny, who had previously condemned condoms, now OKs them for male prostitutes but presumably NOT for anyone else. Please note: the Pope is INFALLIBLE but condoms are not. (21st Nov. 2010) |
Keeps AIDS in, lets sperm out |
(a great man meets his malicious murderer...) |
30th Anniversary of John Lennon's Death
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SOLSTICE SALUTATIONS!Merry Yuletide Get your predictable xmas cliches here:
A Teddy Bear's Christmas (Children's Story) Naff Nativity Scene (photos)
please note obligatory red & green colour scheme!
[NB some pages contain embedded sound, which requires Internet Explorer] | |