New Year's Day, Jan 1st 2024

Well, hello to a brand new year:



let's adore

yet more days

& wonderful ways


wake up

see what we'll make of it


on umpteenth day of the umpteenth year
lost count
no big deal
addiction to fiction

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Opening a new Diary

Nearly said Dairy but I'm vegan

Here we are! How lucky.

Happy not to have hangover! So sunny...  gloriously sunny. Then, progressively more cloudy. Changing always.

Nonsense couplet cos I like the word, moxie.

being foxy
with more moxie

& again:

another stanza

Jan 2nd 2024

2nd Jan. - Atom first split (1918)

no winoweh
not a lion
except symbolically
as I am also
like a tiger
burning bright
yes bloody

no ninja
tho I like
Japanese culture


(Drawing of the archetypical ninja

from a series of sketches of Hokusai.)


pointless to complain
it will wane before I go insane
so hardly germane

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but cut the crap
keep your trap shut

let there be

some jazzy 

 snazzy shenanigans

Jan 3rd  more nonsense encore, just like the words:

we had a spat
& that is that
more than you'd have believed

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when a kid
used to go to jumble sales
whereas now I rummage for things

Britain or  America


keep track
if people sass back
take it as an attack

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Jan 4th Eleventh day Of Xmas: 11 pipers piping!


New page, assiduity

if I'm poetic
it's just noetic


Jan 5th Sky overcast grey maybe rain again later. Lowering sky. In the gloom before the gloaming. Nontheless lucid.

Brightening up now. Kind-hearted thoughts towards all.

Many lacunae in this. Avoiding effrontery about weather. Culminating in calumniation?

Meanwhile on a cosmic scale, astronomically, it has been speculated by renowned astrophysicist, Brian Cox, that stellar behemoth Betelgeuse, a Red Giant. in Orion will become a Supernova? Only a guess The video I'm watching is narrated by annoying A.I. that wrongly pronounces words.


Doofus the stupid

reindeer was late

Jan 6th - created nonsense

Today's Epiphany, Feast of the 3 Kings, Les Trois Rois.

May bake a cake as they do en France.

Christmas Decorations to come down too.

Made William Blake page.

Jan 7th

am a scrivener
in various senses of the word
it can be magic
tragic & all


(As well as writing, I can also tell the future by shapes revealed

in smoke, water or crystal ball)

vent it
do what you will

Jan 8th - Realized that Dollar & Dolour are homophones. Interesting!

dollars make me feel dolour
may be a scholar
but live in comparative squalor
a little off colour
as it were

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           Created /scouts.

feeling so low
in a solo
tip to toe
will I grow

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 he's a veritable halfwit
truly a twit
a bit into lit
like a nitwit
by another name
same difference
if you know what I mean

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Jan 9th -  Created Mrs Blake

Re-watched the film 'Psycho':

don't worry
won't be staying
at the Bates motel
in a hurry

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Created: Funambulist


Jan 10th

ate then
 absurd words

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Jan 11th - Another, Samuel Beckett.

Jan 13th





BLUE sky, cold...

New page, Awen.

Jan 15th - Ditto: BLUE sky, cold...

Jan 16th - Sunny but cold. Getting old. Aren't we all? How appalling.

New page, cluck

Jan 17th -

not one for swank
or swagger
 tend to stagger

 bit of Rorschach blot
naughty not haughty

Warm, sitting in sunshine behind window pane. Brain melting.

ho hum
some dumb glum scum
succumb to numbness
in a nearby slum's 'lum'
fo fum

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Jan 18th -

so it's really not too late
to make affirmations
feel great elation
have all sorts of sensations
or make oblations to god

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white doves
grey doves
same old young loves

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Tried tricycle! I like the trike!

Jan 19th

in Medici massacres
much bloodshed
many bled

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Odalisque, new page.



Jan 20th -  Red sky in morning, a warning to us.

Jan 21st

don't be a twat
say where you're at

Apophatic, Sacerdotal, Cataphatic? Am a bit discombobulated! Aren't you?

Went for jaunt on powered mobility scooter in icy wind. Collecting toilet rolls. Refreshing.


Jan 22nd - Madness! My charming wife has thrown a shelf of books across the living room. Son has kicked me in the balls & sworn at me. I stay calm.

stay calm
amid the harm
thrown books
angry words
as if they don't care

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Jan 23rd - Could we chop weblog with axiom?

Cold wet.

New page, /franciscan

Just remembered:

Dad taught Lolly our budgie to say 'bugger the cat' cos it once took him in his mouth. I named the budgerigar, when I said 'I want,

want a lolly'

Jan 24th - Sunny cold. Wind continues. Hoping no damage to trees.
What a day. Technical problems with website.

Jan 25th - Another day.

Jan 26th - Wind stopped eventually. Sunny. Warm behind window panes indoors.

Working online. New page, /Munch.

Jan 28th - Technical probs. Grr.

New page, on Samuel Palmer.

Jan 29 th -





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777 pages in my website.

Jan 30 th - new page, Hopper.

Jan 31st - new page, Ernst.

Feb 1st - Imbolc, cross-quarter day.

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Feb 2nd - hope am having Cataract seen to today. Must pray to Saint Lucy. Old age, sickness. heading for death.

Made it passed 69 anyway.

Feb 3rd -

Buddy Holly
not so jolly
died in plane crash
at 22 years old
that's not long
wrote & played
some wonderful songs
changed the face of rock & roll
still sounds good today

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Feb 4th - Need to be a patient patient!

Feb 5th - Blue sky, few clouds, cold. Must see Doctor. Ho hum. Waited over 5 hours to be seen in hospital. Frustrated. Gave up & left.

Feb 6th - Anniversary of father's birth in 1915. More uncertainty about my health

Feb 7th - Hospital. Stayed overnight. Medication to keep high Blood Pressure under control.

Feb 8th -  Heavy snow. Brrr!

Feb 9th - New moon.

Feb 10th - Year of Wood Dragon

Feb 13th - Hospital Eye Centre.

Feb 14th -  Valentine's Day.

New page, Charley.

Feb 15th Encouraging if someone would TIP Yours TrulyTM, say, the cost of a coffee/tea...This vast website is offered FREE!

Feb 16th -  New page, foggiest.

Feb 17th - Finally, new page on sister.

Feb 18th - Twinges of pain. Mustn't whinge about it.

Feb 19th Einstein, new page.

Feb 20th - my son, Osker's Birthday. He is now a teenager. We went to Odeon Lux cinema & watched "Migration''. Had meal.


Feb 21st - Thought:


better than


 don't you agree

Feb 22nd - Kay & I are going to see 'Bob Marley: One Love' film this evening...

Saw him perform many years ago. He did Redemption Song before it was officially released.

Praise JAH!

Wonderful film!

Open photo

Feb 23rd - Sunny day. Warm behind windowpane in my room.

Feb 24th - Preparing to extradite Assange to USA. Wrote this long ago.

Full Moon today.

once when I was a a boy
had a stamp collection
suitable for inspection
I was proud of it
including a victorian stamp
gone now lost
o well
so it goes


Feb 25th - sunny & cold out. Warm indoors.
Feb 26th - Kay, my kind consort, & I going to cinema today. Excited.


Enjoyed. Excellent films.

Feb 28th - Dentist & Cinema to see Hamlet. Action-packed & lack of action day.

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The film was wonderful, acting& editing. We, Kay & I, watched it yesterday evening.

New page, /hockney

Feb 29th - Leap Day, 2024 being a Leap Year. I intend to leap a little. It's good exercise!

March 1st - Saint David's day. Hey hey. Daffodils.

March 2nd - Finally got hold of a copy of Hamlet by its real author. De Vere.

The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark




Delighted De Vere is finally being recognised as the real author of the works of Shake-spear.

March 4th, (Monday)

Don't forget: Gaza:


"eyeless in Gaza"

we don't want to see




daily misery

George Galloway recently won a victory in Rochdale, reminding voters of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians.

in Gaza


Israelis lied

about occupied


it's a war crime

won't we learn

from the March of Return

people are clearly

under seige


Palestine Flag - 60 x 90cm - Buy Online MyFlag - Super Quick


Zionism is wrong!


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where you at
why do that
not cool

dot com

where you from

tom tom


March 5th, (Tuesday)

in news

Israelis murder


desperate for food

so-called flour massacre

nothing to do with flowers

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March 6th - Hospital  surgery for cataract on right eye.

March 7th - more work on eye. Given lots of drops to apply daily for some time into future.

cataract a fact

none can deny


March 8th - New page, /prog

Discovered new word, daggy, Australian slang for 'dirty, untidy'...

March 9th -

my wife helps

save my life

March 10th - Listening to Andy Serkis read the Hobbit on Audible.

So-called Mother's Day. Remember /mum.

Ramadan begins on sighting new moon on 11th 

Started watching film of The Hobbit. Ian McKellen, who we recently saw play Hamlet, as Gandalf.

Thought of a new star, Elfish Presley!

March 11th - Watched third & final Hobbit film & first part of Lord of the Rings...

Remember Tolkein

March 12th - Many daily eye drops...

New page, /attaboy.

March 13th - What next I wonder.

Grey, rainy day.Cold. Roll on Spring!

March 14th - Use Amazon Alexa, A.I. assistant.

Appointment at Outpatients in Hosp later

March 15th -

am I a badass
bit crass alas
spaz maybe
as a rule
do I fool
any of you


Began  watching Netflix series, The Crown. You should know my feelings about the monarchy by now.

March 16th - Sunny day. Cold outside.

Just watched 'The Lost Weekend: A Love Story' '(A story 50 years in the making, exploring the romantic relationship between John Lennon and his assistant-turned-lover, May Pang)'

after sparkles
it darkles...

March 17th - Last night. saw Emma Thompson in 'Wit' about John Donne. Death be not proud indeed. Also, 'Control' about Ian Curtis of Joy Division. And Tim Burton's 'Big Fish' with Ewan McGregor.

St.Patrick's Day today! Once had a 4-leaved clover. Gave it to someone who I thought needed good luck.

March 18th - Warm behind the window in work room, listening to music thru Bose stereo speakers. 50th Anniversary Edition of Tubular Bells. Heard said album when it first came out in May 1973! Remember Vivian Stanshall in 'Sir Henry at Rawlinson End

March 19th - Got into habit of listening to The Hobbit read by Andy Serkis on Audiobook. Precious.

Meanwhile Famine/Starvation being created by nasty Israel in Gaza.

New page, /shit


March 20th

20/23 - Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere):

New page, /tara

take a puff
of that stuff
have a laugh
if you can
show you're a man
that's how I became an addict

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March 21st -

was in a noisy fracas
quite drastic alas
long ago in the past

March 22nd -

buck up
good luck
if you're stage-struck

March 23rd -

Watched animations etc by Suzanne Pitt. Wasn't aware of her work before.  Colourful. Fun.
Feeling surprisingly relaxed.


Bloody Genocide in Gaza continues...

Kate Middleton also has cancer! Like King Charles 3!

Famine in Sudan.

What  a jolly world!

Feeling surprisingly relaxed.

March 24th - Sunday - day of rest? We shall see.

Nah! Seems like any other day.

Watched Nocturnal (Gianfranco Rosi, 2020) 'Shot over the course of three years between Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, and Lebanon, Notturno follows different people from areas near war zones in the Middle East who are trying to start over again with their everyday lives...' (Wikipedia)

Warfare again. What an ecological cost!


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Britain ADMITS Israel Is deliberately staving Palestinians in Gaza!

March 25th (Mon) - monday dynamo anagram!

Rockstar philosopher and revolutionary Slavoj Žižek was 75 on 25 March.

Holi Festival.

Saw  film of Songs for Drella (John Cale & Lou Reed of Velvet Underground) about Andy Warhol.

Listened to the Mike Oldfield's famous Tubular Bells. Remember when it came out,1973.


(Iconic artwork)

March 26th -

UK Court to deliver decision Assange's Extradition

March 27th - New page, /elated

Recently remembered dad used to call me Dai Bach, Little Davy.

March 28th - Maundy  Thursday.  Won't cheat. Will wash my feet.

March 29th - Had some homemade Hot Cross Buns. Delicious!

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We plan to go to Cinema today, Kung Fu Panda 4 in 3D! Looking forward!

Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) - IMDb

March 30th - Film wonderful yesterday. Sunny today. Warm like a plant in a greenhouse. Out of icy outside temperature

March 31st - HOP HAPPY EASTER! Easter?  Lamb? Have been critically crucified but will rise again. Dust to dust. Ashes to Ashes.

'in the sure & certain hope

of the resurrection

into eternal life.''

(from Book of Common Prayer)

British Summer Time. Clocks went Forward.

Vegan, Sugar-free eggs for us.

April 1st  - We are all April Fools!

April 3rd  - Waiting for Spring.

April 4th  - Watched The Pillow Book, a 1996 erotic drama film, directed by Peter Greenaway, Music by Brian Eno.






I type onto www, rather than use ink on human flesh.

April 5th - Been listening to Steven Wilson, Insurgentes, The Harmony Codex etc


April 6th -


for ages


 heir's hair

waving in  air

Wordplay takes my mind off Zionist Genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

April 7th - New page, /species

April 8th - New Moon today!

April 9th - In  Gaza, Israeli genocide against Palestinians continues.

April 11th - Wife & son away in York till this evening.

Watching Mubi movie, Journey to Italy by Rossellini 1954, considered a masterpiece:

My life is dolce far niente in a way.

Listened to a recording of Basil Bunting perform Walt Whitman's 'Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking'...

April 12th - Re-watching Wim Wenders' latest film Perfect Days. Good music soundtrack. Inspired by Ozu? Saw it a while back, in cinema.

"A co-production between Japan and Germany, the film stars Kōji Yakusho in the role of a cleaner of public toilets in Tokyo."  ''The 4:3 aspect ratio of the film are all nods to Ozu''


April 13th -



without relief

no pride
one side
tries to get away with it

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words on page

same  difference

tho we age

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April 14th - Live-streaming Genocide  continues...

April 15th - Windy... cold. Sunny outside. April showers

April 16th - Watched Of Human Bondage (1934). Made Bette Davis a star.

April 17th - Sat in sunshine of front garden this morning & admired Cherry Blossom.

April 18th - Watched Man With a Movie  Camera, a wonderful 1929 experimental  Soviet Documentary film by Dziga Vertov:


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April 19th - Sat in morning sunshine of front garden for a while. Refreshing.

April 20th - Sat out again: Sunny but felt quite cold. Watching movies on mubi...

April 21st - Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza continues.Yesterday's Iran attack on Zionist Israel was dangerous


April 22nd - Watched Deception (Tromperie), 2021 film, based on Philip Roth novel

Weather wet & not warm yet. Kay  'n' son out till about 5pm.

April 23rd -  St. George's Day. Shakespeare's Birthday but the man from Stratford didn't write the plays & poems, it was Ed. De Vere.
New page, Sherlock.

April 24th - Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza continues. Assange still facing extradition

April 25th - 116th Day of the Year. Going to cinema with my wife & Osker

Here's a little nonsense verse:

hark hush
Sherlock shark
to make a mark
goes for the kill
as he always will
mush mush
you lush
don't rush to blush

We saw Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. Osker laughed in right places. Mildly entertaining.

April 26th - Watching documentary re John Guilliano. Interesting. Man with a passion for fashion. Haut couture galore. One time alcoholic. Took cocaine. Lots of pills.

April 27th - Bit lacklustre this morning. Kay & OAK gone to Blackpool for the day. Hope weather holds.

Listening to Van Morrison online. Videos of live performances.

April 28th - New page, flap.

at my wit's end
I can't defend
any piquant page
full of rage

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April 29th -

Remembered how I first learnt about Buddhism from Christmas Humphreys. Christmas is a good name. Funny that he became associated with Buddhism!

Did new page, statue.

And christie

May 1st - MAYDAY. Time for Revolution! International Workers Day. Beltane. (/celtic)

where was the green man
did we jump thru fire
& aspire


Went to dentist. Recollect.

May 3rd - Watched some wonderful old Noam Chomsky videos on anarchism & so on.

May 4th - What will happen today? La même chose?

Recall I used to have a girlfriend named Ingeborg. German.

New page, /scram

May 5th - Sunday, the 126th day of the year so far.

Israeli genocide against Palestinians is unremitting.

May 6th -

Working on new page, cosmos


don't speak with asperity
don't be

May 6th - here we are again.

Bank Holiday & Coronation Day

& by dad

May 7th - Another day to play with... Wonder what wonders will happen...

May 8th - New Moon.

Just watched original version of Let It Be on Disney +. Don't forget Beatles...

See Beatlesmix.

Went to cinema in evening. Film about Assange. The Trust Fall: Julian Assange. Poor guy. Imprisoned for telling the truth.

May 9th - New page, /rien.

May 11th - We were going to see movie of Macbeth, starring Ralph Fiennes. But Kay  got angry & has cancelled it. I won't be able to go on my own! Frustrating.

May 12th -

sometimes I feel
but All-ah is always here
to cheer me

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Watched Night Moves (2013)

An Eco thriller.

All I want for xmas is my 2 front teeth or a denture!

May 13th - Saw 1917 film, directed by Sam Mendes.

May 14th -

(nonsense verse:)

tried not to lie
sang in no choir
used to light fires
mired in the dire

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May 15th - Nakba Day'.

May 18th - bought edition of Macbeth rightfully ascribed to De Vere. (See folio)


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May 19th - new page, wowed.


May 20th - watched Japanese movie Antiporno:

New page, lush

May 20th - Watched Greenaway Film 1980 The Falls, a mock documentary.

May 24th - Zionist Israeli genocide continues in Gaza. Can't imagine what it's like.

Hola? Ciao? So it goes in this bloody world.

May 26th - Trinity Sunday!

New page, Palimpsest.

May 28th -

Saw Midwich Cuckoos in Netflix series plus old B&W film version & pdf of John Wyndham's book - getting my fill of  this creepy sci-fi

May 29th - Zionist Israelis continue with genocide in Gaza. Livestreamed...

May 30th -

Kay took this yesterday evening.

May 31st - Breezy.

June 1st - Pinch Punch...

New page, /eureka

June 2nd - Sunny Sunday. Sat in front garden for  while, warm/quite hot.

Photo  by Kay


June 3rd -

got a bee in my bonnet

honey on hand

I could write a sonnet

can you understand


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June 4th -


June 5th - Watching John Ford's film "How Green Was My Valley" in Black & White.

June 6th - New Moon.

Watching 'Where the Olive Trees Weep'. Moving, powerful documentary film. Zionist Israelis robbing Palestinians of their land. Terrible what they are doing to Gaza.

 June 7th - I like to loaf around, to lounge.

 June 8th -




I see
in front of me
forget the book
you forsook

 June 9th - Watching Suncoast film, featuringWoody Harrelson, who is vegan & anarchist.

June 10th - Re-watched the unintentionally hilarious Plan 9 From Outer Space (1956), a film that's been described as 'so bad, it's good'. Takes my mind off genocide in Gaza!

June 11th - New Page, ConanDoyle.

Watching videos on Charles Bukowski. Watching film, Barfly, for which he wrote the script.

June 13th -

Watched "Bright Young Things is a 2003 British drama film written and directed by Stephen Fry. The screenplay, based on the 1930 novel  Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh, provides satirical social commentary about the Bright Young People - young and carefree London aristocrats and bohemians - as well as society in general, in the interwar era'' (Wikipedia)

June 14th - New page, /jiggered

Watched The Dreamers, 2003 film by Bernado Bertolucci about 1968 Student Riots in Paris.

June 16th - Bloomsday!


(James-Joyce caricature sketch of Leopold-Bloom)

I have been rather distrait. Am watching lots of videos about Turiya, the ultimate state of consciousness, pure consciousness. OM.

Watched video, Tune In - The Formative Years of The Beatles - Historian Mark Lewisohn.

June 17th - To celebrate M.C, Escher's birthday, have watched lots of videos about him.

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Watched Escher: Journey into Infinity film, narrated by Stephen Fry.

Recollect I liked Escher's work as a student

Nearly forgot, Eid.

June 18th -

in a coffin
clearly I'm no boffin
but both think
as well as drink
is there a link


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Here I sit, in my eyesome atelier (studio/workshop).

June 20th - Videos about Walt Whitman.

June 21st - Summer Solstice.

14th Wedding Anniversary.

As you know, I like a good pun.

Healthy mature trees, home to birds & squirrels, being chopped down. Next door neighbour. This is happening at a time of climate change. So sad. Tragic.


Sat in sunshine, hot. Need shade of a tree in this weather.


Feel so sad & frustrated.

Not sated. Heart-broken.

June 23rd - new page, absurd

It was Full Moon on 22nd.

June 24th - Monday.


To coin a phrase!

Wa ʿalaykumu s-salam?

June 25th - Assange finally freed. Hurray!

June 26th - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is back in Australia. He was severely punished for speaking truth to power.

Rediscovered this old photo,  taken in 2019 near end of back garden:

We all  die.

Meanwhile we bushwhack our way thru this difficult world...

June 29th -

 New Page, porn


June 30th -  Sunday. Last day of month. Better make the most of it.

what you can
know what I mean

July - Pinch punch et cet...

Where do we go from here?

July 2nd -  the first becomes the second.

July 3rd - Dental Appointment today. Had filling. Thrilling. I was willing. Not wailing.

July 4th - General Election today. Labour predicted to win. Compare & contrast way Corbyn was treated.

July 5th - New page, /dip.

Starmer won't help situation in Gaza

New Moon.

July 6 th -

 going  nowhere
like a blue-arsed fly
don't try

am a bit slow

don't ya know


July 7th - Watched interesting video, re-acquanting myself with the Mandelbrot Set:

The Universe in Colour: Mandelbrot Set – The Platonic Realm

My page on Mandelbrot.

Look at Chaos...

July 8th - More nonsense:


I gloat

like a goat

& float

in the moat

I'm that kind of guy

don't ask why

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Yearning with mes yeux...


July 9th - New page, freaking.

Listening to Douglas Adams' The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy on Audible & watching the movie version.

July 10th - New page, pleasure.

July 11th - New page, enough.

July 12th - Watched Ken Russell's wonderful - Delius Song Of Summer (1968

July 14th - Euro2024 Final this evening, England versus Spain. NB Spain won. Suits me as I have Welsh & Spanish blood in me.

New page: banjaxed.

Trump was nearly assassinated but it produced an iconic photo...

Donald Trump is surrounded by U.S. Secret Service agents at a campaign rally, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pa

Triumph for trump?

July 15th - Watched the Rocky Road to Dublin film documentary by Peter Lennon.

July 16th - Anniversary of First Atomic Bomb explosion (1945)

July 17th - Watched Rewind & Play (2022), documentary film featuring Thelonius

July 18th - watched Netflix version of Hillbilly Enigma by Vanne, the man appointed by Trump to be VP, when he comes to power again for a second time.

the man
appointed by Trump
to be
no hillbilly

Watched Los Angeles Plays Itself film documentary. Fascinating.

July 19th - Hot sunny day. A scorcher! Listening to some cool of music.

July20th -  Recent assassination attempt against Trump still raising some relevant tricky questions' & the role of Israeli Lobby in UK election...

July21st - Fool Moon today. New page: know

July22nd -

what's it for
another war
is there more
we can ignore

From Fool Moon to Pink Moon?

Nick Drake
was no fake
for goodness sake
he couldn't take it any more

July23rd - New page, madrigal

July24th - Photo by my wife, Kay:

July 25th -  New page,  quirk

July 27th - a new day...hurray!

New page, tawdry.

July 28th - hot, so sat in back garden, bare, but for shorts. Ate bowl of delicious vegan ice cream.

soon be a new month
still summer
will go for seaside holiday



July 30th - New page, sec.

Another hot day!

July 31st  - New page, Starmer.

Weather sunny. Hot.

August 1st - Welcome to a new month. Refreshing rain here. Hear it pouring down.

Now sunny again.
Just remembered Late News ...

August 3rd - New page, /joyride.


August 4th - New Moon.

August 5th - My diary says Public Holiday. But I'm working as much as I usually do! Having quite a few technical problems!

August 6th - Today, what's there to say?
Israel continues with genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

Ecocide against life on the planet.

without haste


why waste
when now is now
& what do we do
about it

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Far right riots in UK over last few weeks.

August 12th - New page, /balmy.

August 13th -

O.A.K. is A-OK

August 14th -

got the feeling
we need sexual healing
don't be square
if you care

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used to be
just a dharma bum
 more into islam now
& how

Everything seems to be copacetic. (Good word that!)

August 19th - Full Moon.

August 20th -

Cower like a coward or bravely flower?

August 21st -  Went to dentist & optician.

August 22nd - Woke from colourful dreams.

Finished listening to audible version of George Orwell's 1984(which I had read as a book many years ago).  Verdict: plus good.

August 23rd - Now following Animal Farm. G.O. was a wonderful writer!

Had read  the book years ago but forgotten details.

Very windy. Sunny.

Went  to Hospital again. Took Uber both ways. No treatment. A misunderstanding by my doctor.

August 24th - News keeps changing.

Documentary about Orangutans narrated by David Attenborough.

August 30th & 31st - Bridlington on sea and toes in the sand. Seagulls. Stay at pleasant Premier Inn.

September 2nd - Thunder, lightning, rain last night. Misty this morning. Less etiolated after all that fresh air lately.

September 3rd -  New Moon.

September 7th - Is this a lot of guff ? Or just my bluff ? Enough stuff! 

September 8th - Not killing time, enlivening it.

September 9th - New page, /allow

September 11th -  Dentist. Partial upper denture.

Dental matters.

September 13th -


Wearing new glasses.

September 15th - how life continues...

September 16th - from α to Ω

2nd assassination attempt on Trump.

Cf. Trump

September 18th - Super Harvest Moon.

September 19th - Listening to Gabor Szabo. Wonderful Guitarist. Do check out. Hungarian. Died just before 46th Birthday after a long battle with drug addiction.

September 21st - Am I an artistic autistic aspie? Who knows?
September 22nd - Attended Quakers with Kay. Positive experience.

September 24th - this morning's mugshot by my wife:

New Page, /dylan

September 29th - Attended Quaker Meeting with Kay. Lunched in city centre.

October 1st - Pinch, Punch...

Continues to Rain. Climate change & wars also.

October 2nd -  New Moon.

(photo by Kay)

October 3rd - I recall that I wrote many years ago:

I am you
as you are me
Tat Tvam Asi

No non-dual Fool.

Watched Christopher Nolan's film Dunkirk. My Dad was there.
We went there on a day trip. The moment we stepped on the beach, it thundered!

October 6th - attended Quakers with Kay. Lunched in city centre. A positive experience!


October 8th -

on verge of war
I urge you
to merge with it
as it were

laserbarainbow.gif (15138 bytes)

Zionist Israel continues with Genocide against Palestinians.

October 12th -  listening to lots of Richard Hawley, born in Sheffield.

October 13th -Went to Quakers with Kay. Got new garnet ring. Lunched in town & went t to Cinema to see a wonderful film:  In Restless Dreams: the Music of Paul Simon.



October 15th - Genocide by Zionist Israel continues.Supported by USA. So much trauma. War crimes in fact.

October 17th - Full Moon.

October 20th - Going to cinema  to see The Wild Robot in 3D:

October 21st - Film was wonderful. Meal afterwards.

Anniversary of:

October 22nd - Timothy Leary born  in 1920.



Saw The Wild Robot again. This time in IMAX. Magnificent.

October 28th - New page: tintin

October 31st -  HALLOWEEN. Samhain (pronounced Sahwin).

November 1st - Pinch Punch but I'm a pacifist & don't use my fist! New Moon today.

November 3rd -


Thanks Kay for portrait in Winter Gardens after we went to Quakers,

November 5th - Bonfire Night.

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U.S. Election today. Who will win: Trump or Kamala Harris? I have a feeling it will be Harris. Destiny or density. She supports Israeli Genocide.

November 6th - Trump has just declared victory! No great cause to celebrate.

now be clear

I've no idea

what we should fear

or if it's near

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November 10th - Remembrance Sunday.

November 11th - Remembrance Day

November 14th - Birthday of King Charles 111. Did he have cake & jelly? Jolly well hope so!

November 17th - Attended  Quaker Meeting online.  Went & watched Gladiator 2 directed by RidleyScott at Cineworld followed by vegan snack at Wagamama.

November 19th - Started snowing last night. Woke to white world!

November 20th - Lovely, sunny day.

November 23rd - Rain all day, Storm Bert.

Israeli Genocide continuing! Yet more Genocide.  ICC & ICJ issue arrest warrant for Zionist Leaders of Israel (Netanyahu & Garland)

November 26th - Working on penguins

November 30th - MPs voted for Assisted Dying bill yesterday.

December 1st - went to cinema. Saw Conclave with Ralph Fiennes & Moana 2. Ate in city.


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December 4th - Revised Quakers page.

December 7th - Birthdays of Chomsky & Tom Waits.

December 8th - Went to Quakers, Watched 'Wicked' at cinema. Attended Christingle service in Cathedral, which had a good choir.

The poster mimics Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam and is pink on the left and green on the right. Glinda is in the bottom left in a pink dress, reaching up to Elphaba, who's in the top right in a black dress, witch's hat and on a broomstick, reaching down to Glinda. In the middle, both hands are outstretched but not touching, and the film's tagline is written in white text on separate lines: "Everyone deserves a chance to fly". The landscape of the Land of Oz is in the background.

Storm Darragh!

December 10th -

red & green
can be seen everywhere
at yuletide as you know
pride without care

if you dare

& are aware

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December 13th - Birthday today! Saint Lucy's Day. Three of us went to cinema to see The lord of the Rings: The war of the Rohirrim.B

Then a meal at Cosmo.

December 15th - Spent 10 hours in A&E  with bad pain in lower back. Turned out to be nothing serious.

December 16th - Admitted to Hospital with pneumonia. Stayed until the 30th.








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 2023 New Pages Part 2


Prose Fiction









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Audio: Conference of the Birds by Dave Holland Quartet

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Another track by DHQ on TAO NOW


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Hours of fun.


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