...time hurries on. It's next year already.
Jan 1st ~ Still NOW. A powerful, timeless time. Begin again, as good old Finnegan said.
6th ~ Created new webpage, Feast of Epiphany
days into new year
another repeat of fear
same old same o dear
expect we could cheer up
take steps in a positive direction
as it were
breathe in out
that's what it's all about
8th ~ Using "Attar Ltd. Oud" - Attar was the name of the Sufi poet who wrote "Conference of the Birds"
9th ~ Continuing...
no need to report
yesterday's news
superfluous thought
same old blues
10th ~ Famous guitarist Jeff Beck died, aged 78. RIP, let rip.
Added soundtrack 'All Blue' from Miles Davis' Kind of Blue to page, road.
Friday 13th ~ Unlucky for some, though I was born on 13th. Unhappy Anniversary of James Joyce's death.
Added soundtrack "Hope" from Mahavishnu Orchestra's "Birds of Fire" to page, Hope
14th - Created new page, inconsequential, soundtrack music by Nils Frahm.
15th - Proudhon's Birthday (1809). Started creating new webpage, expt.
And another small one, just for fun.
17th - Tiny new webpage, Curry, in case you're hungry for more.
Playing with this, laconic, nonsense verse.
18th - More NEW pages, fly, quest, leap, busy boy.
19th - Play? Anyone for a new page? And another, oldnew.
20th - diary, for what is becoming daily new piece. Yet again. splash!
21st - It's nice, so i'm celebrating a new page
22nd - Anniversary of Byron's death and Thich Nhat Hahn's.
We can still work and play for Political Utopia or it'll be our Requiem
Lunar or Chinese New Year of the Rabbit
& BTW a WATER bunny
23rd - Attempting to make a CREATIVE response to the world I'm in. How about this tasty new page, wisdom? Or this colourful one, polychrome?
24th - Assange not forgotten, following Belmarsh Tribunal in Washington DC yesterday, here's a new page/poem
Waiting for latest Doomsday Clock announcement coming today. Ho hum.
Now it''s moved forward to 90 SECONDS to midnight!
25th - Conscious? New Page Poem. Experimented wth this little prayer.
30th - by magic, did this, Merlin. Gathered links new pages in 2023, here.
Vandalised The Bard by Thomas Jones
quick click pic
31st -a new webpage about change for the last day of the month, transmute. And another good one. Third today, VIEW.
1st Feb ~ Cross Quarter Day, Imbolc, St Brigid's Day.
2nd Feb - musing on matters this morning, as one does, I came to the conclusion that I prefer Elves to Elvis! Former only exist in imagination, though so does latter really. The difference a vowel makes.
Joyce's Birthday (1882). Listen to his lovely lilting voice, (hear
here) it's YOUR choice!
Grey day? New page!
QR Code for website front cover done by Osker.
And Barcode for website:
3rd Feb - it's not what you say...
4th Feb - Eternal? Stroll? Created 2 new Pages
5th Feb - Fate? New page anyway.
6th Feb - Dead Dad's Birthday. Born 1915, died 1968, age only 53. Created new webpage of one of his poems.
AND yet another page, naturally. And this, tic. Still playing with it. May take a while before it settles down.
8th Feb - New page, Sufi Blues
9th Feb - Playing with these new pages, Vegan & Arabic & Silence
12th Feb - little new page, called lot.
14th Feb - Topically, direct you to Valentine. Did Bouquet by my dead Dad
21st Feb - Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day. Losar, Tibetan New Year of the female Water Hare/ Rabbit.
22nd Feb - Ash Wednesday, first Day of Lent.
28th Feb Created new page, coup & UFO
1st March, St David's Day.
6th March, Created Crystal Ball page
7th March, Created new Silly page.
8th March, in India, Holi Festival of Colours, (Spring, Love, triumph of Good over Evil, that sort of thing).
Gentle snow falling, world turning white.
9th - snow continues. Outside white as this page.
10th -
15th - Created new HOUDINI page.
16th - Somewhat alarmed by the preposterous prospect OCTOPUS farming. These are clever sentient beings & would experience unnecessary suffering.
as an entrée ate
primordial soup
eventually evolved
into poop
17th - St. Patrick's Day. Created new octopus page.
19th - Illegal U.S. invasion of Iraq began (2003) See internal links here.
Anniversary of Kronstadt My poem about it
20th -
21st - so-called World Poetry Day. Ain't every day?
22nd - Springclean, new.
Ramadan? Food? Fast or slow?! No Plant-based Vegan Milk Sheikh!
30th - Eye Of Horus ring to protect.
April 1st - Created, fool page.
April showers to come?
2nd - Palm Sunday. Dig the Donkeys in Depictions of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.
mourning in the morning
mourning at night
mourning whenever
it's alright
why not cheer up now
quick as we might
don't despair
if you care
it really is ok
anytime of day
3rd - Playing with this new crisis page.
4th - creating whatever.
5th - Did new page on Trump and Bowie.
6th -How about another new, Swan Lake.
NB Usually when I compose a text, it takes a few days for it to settle down into final form. So please check back...
7th - "Good" Friday. New page, blessing. And also new, holy. And spell.
9th - EASTER Sunday. Rose from dead this morning.
11th - Testing this new typeface here, to add a bit of interest... ain't it clear?
Created new page, dance.
Sketch of moi by Kay, my kind consort
Did NEW, Resting.
13th - Another new page, Miles
14th - Playing with this new page, Coronation
18th - New improved sketch/caricature of me by Kay, my kind consort
Created tiny new pages, Lives & Continue
21st -
EID al-Fitr, festival of breaking Ramadan fasting, so a time of celebration for Muslims, hurray!
New page, Celebration
23rd -St. George's Day & reckoned
to be Shakepeare's Birthday. St.George was unkind to dragons. Dragon Lines
are Ley Lines. The Welsh have a dragon on their
Shakespeare? Consider this, folio? Lots of people
question if the man from Stratford was the real author.
XR have been making presence felt, The Big One till Monday. Just heard Government Warning broadcast at 3pm. On all mobile phones. Reminded me of this. A real emergency
New Page, Polo
24th -Samurai, new page25th - Thatcher told us to REJOICE on this day in 1982. New page, Survive.
29th -
May 1st _ Mayday Hurray! Created page, tsar.
May 2nd : Mandelbrot page & CharlesIII & Che6th - Watched Coronation of Charles III on TV. Pomp & Circumstance , Pageantry in Procession to & from Westminter Abbey. Crowning of a so-called King. Show Biz. Colourful Bling.
8th - Did Dreamland page.
9th - Boy, new page, sort of autobiographical nonsense. Blah ....
10th -
Fishing, new page. statusquo,
new page, astra, new.
Blossom & Flowers in Garden.
11th - Nous page
12th - Smugglers
13th - AI, new page
14th - minstrel, memory.
15 th - Yesterday, 15th
May, was Nakba Day, 'Day of the Catastrophe/ Disaster' (an-Nakba). For
Palestinians an annual day of commemoration of the massive displacement
preceding and following Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948.
During the 1948 Palestine war, an estimated 700,000 Palestinians fled or were
expelled, and hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages were depopulated and
destroyed. Check out what I wrote abou Palestine & Israel,
Just read Astronomers detected largest cosmic explosion ever seen, ten times brighter than any recorded exploding star (supernova.)
19th - Chance, new page. And Kismet.
22nd - Harlequin. Hot day:
![]() |
(joyous jaunt in glorious weather)
23rd - Big new page, called Vanitas
24th - Chiaroscuro, new page
26th - Guru page
27th - New Lick page
29th - Magician, new, the 700th page on my site!
June 1st - Zen, page.
2nd - Playing with Riff
17th - Official heatwave, as we daily edge towards solstice.
21st - SUMMER
Started New Pages 2023 part 2. Also Resist. 13th
Wedding Anniversary.
22nd - Nap
23rd - Glastonbury Festival on this weekend. In 1982, I performed there in the Theatre Tent, which was full to capacity with hundreds of people. Poured with rain. Very muddy. This year gloriously sunny.
26th - Created /clear page. Kink?
27th - A little rain at last.
28th -
29th - New Vincent page
July 2nd - Scry
4th - So-called Independence Day. New fragrant page, oud.
6th - Obloquy?
8th - Extinct. Read recently Orcas are ramming the luxury yachts of the rich!
9th - New page, Satori
10th - New ideology
11th - Created Samizdat page
15th - St.Swithins Day & it's raining!
A new page has grown, Simul
16th - Atomic Bomb Day (1st Atomic Bomb exploded - 1945) Discover more about this horror here.
19th - Sheffield Wednesday.
20th -Trip?
25th - Impermanence, new page.
26th - Created Score
27th - And serendipity
30th - Ukraine War continues. Puppet Zelinsky attacks Kremlin with karmic kamikaze drones. Peace & Love? Confronting nuclear war?
31st.... then pinch. punch, the first of the month..
August 1st -
Lammas, cross-quarter festivals, between solstice & equinox. See Wheel of the Year. Loaf Mass. Bread?
Full Moon today!
8th - New pages: cartoon, being
16th - nothing to say. Made this:
19th - Created new page, badinage
23th - New DT
30th - So-called Blue Super MOON. Jolly Good. Super.
Sept 5th - New page, Sheikh. Sat in sunshine in front garden, with bees, ate blackberries from bush.
8th - My dad died today in 1968. A selection of his work available here.
11th - Created new page, Anxiety. Anniversary of 9/11 attack in 2001: Empyre & newsreal.
14th - Went to Dentist.
15th - New Moon.
20th - Headlines accusing Russell Brand of rape. A co-ordinated mainstream media attack He's been de-platformed by YouTube, his tour cancelled etc, causing untold damage to his reputation and his brand!
22nd - Amazon
23rd - Autumnal Equinox (Mabon) today. See Wheel of the Year
OCTOBER - Another month begins. Wonder what this one brings.
4th - Sheffield Wednesday!
5th - Optician came. I have a cataract. Booked an appointment with hospital to have it removed.
7th - In the news again, Gaza.
11th -
against Israel
Created Vantablack
12th - New Page, Rumi
13th -
Watching war crimes taking place in front of our eyes. The 2nd nakbha. No food, no electricity, no water, no food, no medicine, no internet.
20th - Israeli Genocide of Palestinians proceeds. Watching it. Meanwhile, here heavy rain & very windy.
21st - Breaking news, new page.
22nd - Sunny Sunday. Went for brief jaunt up & down hill round block in the cold. Fresh air. First time out for ages.Woke me up.
24th - Am I an Anatheist? I Am. Probably. Used to be agnostic.
27th - Genocide continues. Watch is safely online. Vicariously.
ethnic cleansing
as far as
Gaza is concerned
(Don't believe in nation states, rather care about people)
28th - War on Gaza continues. Am consuming more bloody carnage online, not pleasant, poor Palestinians.
29th - Sunday, day of rest, so they say.
end of
we'll see
against violence
it's over
when it's over
the end
on the brink
of collapse
any lapse or lack
of urgency
in this emergency
unlawful war
will certainly
lead to catastrophe
prima facie
as they say
if there is
no other way
to stop this madness
& our sadness
then we must
no longer play
of malevolence
there's surely enough
of such stuff
30th - In Gaza bombardment is killing one child every 15 minutes. This is genocide.
31st - Final day of October.
Fancy a Night Out with Dracula?
Nov 1st - All Saints Day
& 2nd - Days of the Dead
Beatles' so-called final song released.
New verse by moi:
after a late walk
we came to
a knife and fork
in the road
that's life
as they say
we ate
from a plate
carried the load
don't you know
went somewhat loco
all this trouble
picking thru rubble
what a mess
so much distress
bursts the bubble
(Re Gaza)
Nov 3rd -
I may be
but do the best I can
don't know if I'll pass the test
& all the rest
it's hard
please don't think
I'm in the pink
Nov 5th
new. Went into back garden. With Consort &
son & heir. Small bonfire.
Sounded like there was a war on. Explosions, flashes, choking smoke...
Nov 7th - Genocide of Palestinians continues apace. Israelis have murdered over 10,000 so far...
well I scrabble
to dabble with a gaggle
of swaggering syllables
a veritable babble
being led to a shambles
to coin a crazy phrase
as it were
if that's fair
in case you care
so those lovely
cuddly Israelis
have created
bloody hell in Gaza
& we
the people
of other countries
let them
as far as I can see
tho I'm very
Sad to be witnessing Genocide. Israelis behaving like bloody Nazis. Tragically ironic.
Nov 9th - created new page, Turning.
Nov 11th
- Remembrance Day. Lovely Autumn. Colours. Went
out in sunshine. Quite cold.
Nov 12th
- Remembrance Sunday. Misty.
Nov 13th
- New Moon. Windy day! piss off platitudes
Nov 15th - wrote new short
blame same old flame
forever chasing
of a face
end up
locked in golden
cage of marriage
surprise surprise
irrevocable ties
till you
wise up
take some lovely
let's alter our attitudes
& feel great
in poor
of Dylan Thomas
became chronic
was quite ill
almost coming to
a bad end
entered hell
would yell
yet didn't write so
(at bottom of DT page)
Consort trimmed beard. She's both a skilful hairdresser & barber:
Nov 16th - Guess I'm a bit of a 'nefelibata', live in the clouds of imagination, don't obey the conventions of society, literature, or art but that's 'tacenda' or better left unsaid, passed over in silence, don't you think?
Am no expert but, I think:
will put new terms
on the table
we may be able
to do a real deal
just might delight
who knows
where it will go
no idea
won't shed a tear
well do you think
I need a shrink
am on the brink
of serious depression
may sink
& need a session or two
of professional
how about you
what you say
Trees losing leaves,
natural at this time of year...
Nov 17th -
Watched Oppenheimer movie. Wrote about him here.
Consort gave me a major haircut. 'No 2' trim all over, to go with beard. Just for fun.
Nov 19th
- Cloudy Sunday.
Nov 20th
- Created new pages, dad & one of his poems, obscure
Nov 23rd -
love long hair
short easier
take care of...
in radiant
even if nearly blind
be kind
misheard words
often mixed up in my mind
light life
both equally divine
in our heart
for a start
in delight
Nov 24th - So-called 'Black Friday', capitalist marketing propaganda. Buy buy buy. Greed rather than need.
(photo by my Kay, consort)
Nov 26th - Was I erring by wearing an earring? It was very daring. Didn't really care.
Just crossed my mind, if not the picket line. Am I a card-carrying bard? Well, Yours Truly used to belong to Communications Workers Union, IWW, a so-called Wobbly, now Unite. Not quite CNT, I know.
Nov 29th -
(photo by my consort, Kay)
Murderous Kissinger dead at 100. Comes to us all.
avoid schadenfreude
it's not to be enjoyed
why not get annoyed
about pleasure destroyed
that gringo
wings it
his fingers
as bingo
he bangs some
life is cool
in the heat
like a fool
feel real beat
More nonsense verse:
you're at fault
don't scoff
just toff off
silly moth
Nov 30th - last day of month. Sunny but freezing cold.
Remembered this old thing, done long ago.
More nonsense verse?
I'd hitchhike in the Tardis
but don't like Daleks
love garlic tho
don't you know
in case you're interested
it's good for you
Dec 1st - Hoping for snow... Brr cold today
just this
just this
that must be just
what you say
to that
no other way
if we were in the saddle
we wouldn't skedaddle
or fiddle-faddle
Remembering we used to say grace at my old-fashioned grammar
Benedictus, Benedicat per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum is a
Latin grace for saying
before a meal. It means: "May he who is Blessed bless [this
food] through Jesus Christ Our Lord."
Benedicto Benedicatur, per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum is the corresponding
closing grace..
I like the word Grace. I dedicated my book, Songs of Frustrated Lust & Seduction, to Grace.
Created new page, jive.
Dec 2nd - Relatively good sleep last night. Freezing, minus 3.
that's life
I may have a wife
there's sometimes strife
but it ends
I will defend it
till my last breath
indeed to death
a walk in
the park
would be a lark
I have a spark of interest
not to rest
too much
as such
what a whopper
real show-stopper
but could come a cropper
on high alert
may have to spurt
to avoid being hurt
Dec 3rd - Snowfall overnight. White world. Do hope clouds contain more...
I feel very
little velleity to go out
so will no doubt
do nowt
not a lot
but worth a shot
it's what we've got
so there
in case you care
dot dot dot
I don't mean to
why should I
on the booze
nothing to lose
except the blues
it sucks
ever since I was a baby
my giddy aunt
can't do owt
about it
I guess
it was vivid
made me livid
is that OK
to sayso I was furious
aren't you even curious
no way
Used to be a gaudy, hard, bawdy bard.
Dec 4th - Grey day. Overnight rain on snow. Ice? Won't venture out. Treacherous underfoot. Could slip, slide, end up on my backside.
New Page, mum.
had a presentiment
sort of sentimental intuition
that time will tell
well we could
call it a day
enjoy the time
before we're
More nonsense:
don't be so nigardly
go easy young man
old boy
or go west
Dec 5th - Rain today. Created new page, stick. Sunshine now. No more snow yet.
Dec 6th - Created page, melancholy.
some are rancorous
even cantankerous
they can be audacious
without being rapacious
in my humble bumbling opinion
Dec 7th - looks like there'll be rain, no snow here today.
Dec 8th -
a bright cynosure
for sure
couldn't ask for more
Remembering Lennon's Assassination today.
seems memes
we dream
what does that solve
Dec 9th
- created page, spanish.
Re. Zionism in Israel:
idiotic ideology
without apology
no denying
they are lying
Dec 12th - New page, festival. Another, kid. Genocide.
Dec 13th - My Birthday or Continuation day as Thich Nhat Hanh used to call it. 72 today. Red Letter Day.
St. Lucy's Day. 13 is Lucky for some.
blueberries in porridge
birthday breakfast
doesn't last long
for a famished boy
young man
he enjoys it
blue sky
between clouds
says hi(gh)
how are you below
New, quote.
Dec 14th - New, pornstar. Whistler page.
Dec 16th - Nonsense verses:
Frank from Frankfurt
suffered too much
misery in Missouri
such a shame
who's too blame
we may under
Punch & Judy
Hey Judy
take a sad song
& make it better
out to lunch
when it comes to the crunch
it's your duty
you supererogate
Dec 17th -
from WTF
to LOL
Norwegian Troll
in online pursuit
of loot
to boot
barely a teenager
used to study
photos of women in bras
in the
Littlewoods catalogue
were quite a thrill for me
reason for the
festive season
is to please
I tease
Wrote more. Praying for snow.
be fine
without wine
don't you think
if we don't think
unless you like a drink
like they do in the movies
you'd soon be quite squiffy
it's all rather iffy
more nonsense verse:
had panache
a certain verve
would have a bash
to serve all
a curve ball
a pretentious ponce
banged his bonce
a dunce
a bouncer at the door
couldn't be ignored
View from my 'studio' window.
22nd - Winter Solstice. Winter
hey hey hey
solstice today
let's celebrate
Created hubris.
Dec 23rd - Today is Eve of Xmas Eve!
Created new page, various ....
Gaudete et cetera. Ding Dong Merrily on High! We 3 Kings....
Dec 24th - speculation:
Star of Bethlehem
probably comet
yet we're not sure
never mind forget it
Dec 25th -
marvellous merry
jovial jolly
holy holly
varied very
Weather not white. Drizzle mizzle, not to say miserable.
Created new pages, /ambrosia & /nick
Dec 26th - So-called Boxing Day. A different kind of Boxing, by Muhammad Ali.
Dec 27th - Created saturnalia
& prospero
Dec 28th - The fourth day of Christmas is the Feast Of The Holy Innocents, when people remember those killed by King Herod in his search for Baby Jesus.
Dec 29th - New, rite.Dec 30th - Eve of New Year's Eve or Hogmanay.
Hush. Tush, sitting on my tush.
Am discombobulated sometimes. Why? 'Cos I like the word?
At present, re-watching film by Ken Loach, Carla's Song, companeros in the revolution. Yesterday, saw his final film, The Old Oak. Good socialist films.
Dec 31st - New Year's Eve again.
Why not?
Audio: Conference of the Birds by Dave Holland Quartet
[NB Enable Audio for Embedded Sound]
Another track by DHQ on TAO NOW
to be continued...
quick click